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Cherry Hill Soccer Club (CHSC)

CHSC Juggling Club

CHSC Juggling Club for Travel Players

Cherry Hill Soccer Club is excited to announce the start of the CHSC Juggling Club for all CHSC Travel Players. The club was started to get our kids excited about the art and skill of juggling the soccer ball. Currently the Juggling Club is only for registered CHSC Travel Players

Why Juggle?

The following describes the key benefits of learning to juggle from Matt Avellino from 

The first benefit of juggling is it works on a players balance.  Balance is a crucial aspect for any soccer player.  To name a few scenarios, every player must be able to change direction on a dime with and without the ball, jump to win headers, shoot while running at full speed, maintain possession of the ball while a defender is pressuring them,  and be able to tackle even the trickiest attacking players.  These all boil down to balance.  Developing a players coordination and comfort with their own body is the most critical aspect for younger players especially.  Being able to keep the ball in the air with your feet shows that a player has good control of their body and balance; which will yield positive results during games.

The second benefit of juggling is it improves on a players touch.  Touch is a players ability to quickly bring the ball under control.  There are a lot of instances during games where our touch will be challenged.  Sometimes you will receive a very hard pass from a teammate.  Other times a goalie will punt the ball miles in the air and you’ll have to bring it to the ground with defenders around you.  Regardless of the situation, juggling can help players improve their touch for any scenario.  Having the ability to softly tap the ball in the air and keep it close to you shows the ball control necessary for game situations.

The third benefit of juggling is it increases a players concentration.  Good concentration is necessary to be successful in any walk of life.  When players are on the field or businessmen are in the office, they need to be fully focused on the task at hand to see positive results.  The key to juggling is constantly finding the center of the ball when you softly tap it in the air.  This requires tremendous amounts of concentration.  A player who can juggle the ball 1,000 times shows their ability to stay focused under fatigue among the other qualities of brilliant balance and touch.  In order to be successful in this beautiful game, players must maintain concentration for the entire 90 minutes of a match. 


Practice, Practice, Practice.  When you are ready let your coach know and go for it. A coach or assistant coach must be present to count the number of times you are able to juggle.  For each level completed you will be awarded the color band for that level. Currently the Juggling Club is only for registered CHSC Travel Players.

Juggling Links

How to Juggle a Soccer Ball

Developing Juggling Skills

How to Juggle a Soccer Ball with your Feet - Video

How to Juggle a Soccer Ball - Video

Juggling Club Bands

CHSC Juggling All-Stars

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